Sunday, June 8, 2014

Mold Symptoms - Effects of Mold to People

If you’re having mold problems in your house, you will have the chance to be infected by few symptoms of mold. Basically, many people don’t know that they are having the symptoms of mold.

As from this page, you will know about mold symptoms and also treatment for mold symptoms.

Usually, there are 3 main types of symptoms which are allergic and irritant symptoms, toxic symptoms and infection.

1-Allergic symptoms from mold exposure.

Mold symptoms usually caused by mold allergies. Breathing in mold spores will make your immune symptoms responds and creates allergic reaction. The immune system’s reaction is to defense against foreign particles that enter the body.

A person is more likely to be sensitive to mold if they are always surrounded by mold. Finally, they can’t stand staying around even small amounts of mold. Their allergic reactions will become worst.

Mold allergies can cause few symptoms which are as follows:

Cold or flu like symptoms, coughing, sneezing, sore throat, irritated, itchy throat, blocked nose, itchy nose, runny nose, sinus congestion, sinus headaches, breathing difficulty, breath shortness, wheezing,itchy skin, rashes, hives, watery eyes, red and bloodshot eyes, itchy eyes, itchy ears, hair loss, baldness and hay fever symptoms.

2-Toxic Symptoms from Exposure to Toxic Mold.

Generally, about 16 types of mold species that are toxic to human being. These molds can produce mycotoxins, a type of highly toxic chemicals. Mycotoxins are more dangerous than allergic symptoms caused by ordinary mold. Toxic molds can cause bleeding, damage to internal organs, mental impairment, cancer and even death in some cases.

Stachybotrys chartarum, which is always called as toxic black mold or just black mold, is the most hazardous toxic mold. You can know more about the symptoms caused by black mold at the Toxic Black Mold symptoms page.

3-Mold Infections

Breathing in mold spores can allow them to grow inside the human’s body. Usually, they can grow in the sinuses, skin or digestive system.

Healthy people will not face this problem. People who are older or sick might be suffering from these infections because their immune system is not strong enough to fight against the mold. Sometimes, mold infections can cause death.

Trichoderma, Penicillium marneffei and Aspergillus fumigatus are a group of mold species that usually infect people.

Testing for Mold Symptoms

The test may be done by doctor or allergist. There are many available tests to discover the mold symptoms.

The doctor can conduct a simple physical test by asking what problems you’re having. Through your explaination, the doctor can identify whether you have the symptoms or not.

Skin Tests for Mold Symptoms

The best way is skin test. The doctor will insert tiny drops of purified mold allergens into the surface of skin and the reactions can be observed. Basically, skin test is more reliable than blood test.

Blood Test for Mold Symptoms

Blood test is another test that can be used to detect mold symptoms. Your blood will be taken and examined to find out the presence of mold antibodies.

Memory Lymphocyte Immunostimulation Assay or MELISA is a test that can detect alergies to chemicals, toxins and molds. Aspergillus and Penicillium can also be detected.

MELISA test works almost as the same as skin test. Allergens will be applied to the sample and the reaction will be observed. MELISO test, just like skin test, also does not discover the amount of of mold’s toxins or allergens in a someone’s body but just llergic reaction.

ELISA or Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay and RAST or Radioallergosorbent are also types of similar blood tests.

Treatment for Mold Symptoms

First and foremost is to avoid from mold as much as possible. Mold problems in your house? Get rid of it. You will get clean environment, breath in clean air and get well faster.

You may refer from the page Mold removal and Clean up to learn complete steps of removing mold.

If there is no more molds in your house, there will be a chance for new mold to grow. So, regularly vacuum and clean to minimize allergy-causing spores.

Preventing Mold page will provide you more information of how to prevent from mold and spores in your house.

Avoiding Food Mold

If you have mold allergies, eating certain food that contain fungus such as muchroom and yeast will cause increase of reaction to your allergies.

So, stop eating something that will make your allergies worst in the past. Do check your food for signs of mold before eating especially cheese, bread and fruit that mold will directly grow after the due date.

Medications for Mold Symptoms

There are also medications supply for mold symptoms. You can get directly from the pharmacy such as claratyne or zyrtec or medication that is prescribe for you. Usually the medications will come in the form of pills or nasal sprays.

Do consult your doctor for teh medicine and follow the directions of medication you’re using. Do not take over dose. Please bear in mind that all these kind of medications are just helping to reduce the symptoms of allergic reactions. They do not work to cure or make you less allergic to mold in the future.

Shots for Mold Symptoms

If all the medications do not work on you, you will have to take some shots. Shots must have be the last choice after all medications because there are some disadvantages.

In order for you to receive shots the mols allergens that is affecting you need to be identified. Other than that, you have also to take the shots regularly for months or years to make the shots remain effective. Shots don’t cure allergies just like other medications. They will just help to lessen the allergic reactions.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Signs of Mold In Your House


Most of us take it easy with the mold symptoms and don’t even realize or care about the mold growing in our houses. You better watch out.

Notice when you’re having allergies problems, your house may has been affected by mold. Usually, you will sneeze, get sore eyes, runny nose or nasal congestion. You can feel that your allergic reactions is worst when you’re at home and get better when you’re outside? This happens because you have grown mold inside of your house. It can happen somewhere in other buildings too like your office perhaps?

Refer to MOLD SYMPTOMS IN HUMAN to ge to know better about types of symptoms of mold allergy as well as the testing and treatment.


You can detect moldy smell inside your house when there is mold growing. Please don’t just ignore the odor even you can’t yet see it. Do mold inspection or you will regret whne it get worst.

Find out how to do the inspection from MOLD INSPECTION.


Many people do not recognize mold growth because of the amount is too small. It just seems like soot or dirt. But sometimes, even the mold is visible, most people ignore it. You should take immediate action even it is just so small. Bear in mind that mold can spread easily and this small spot of mold is a proof that your house is suitable for mold growth. Find out more how to remove the mold from MOLD REMOVAL site.

It is a disaster if you don’t remove the mold earlier. The visible mold that u find is also a sign that there must have be hidden mold growth somewhere else.

But usually most of them, people don’t even notice the presence of mold inside their house. Why? Simply because of the different or unusual look of mold. Not all of the mold types are black. Some of them will look white and thread-like. Some of them even in gray-brown, gray-green or white in colour. The strange ones might be orange, pink or purple in colour. The will grow behind the vinyl made wallpaper.


Moisture problems inside the house will make your house suitable for the mold to inhabit and grow. If your house is likely to has water problems, there is probability for mold growth. Water stains or discoloration on walls, floors or ceilings in your house are some signs that you’re having moisture problem inside your house. Other than that, walls are bowed,bulging or warped it and also the surface feels damp, are also the clues for moisture problems.


Usually, the moisture problem mainly cause by leakage. We know our house very well. So, if there is water leaks problem inside your house, there will be chances that mold is growing inside your house even you haven’t seen any signs mentioned above. Most of the time, mold growth caused by leaks are hidden behind a surface just because of the hidden leaks. Even the leaks is visible, there mold growth can still hide inside the surface because of the spread of water.

From WHERE MOLD GROWS, you can know the place for mold growth, even the hidden one.


If your house has been flooded before, the mold might has started to grow inside your house because of the moisture problem. Check the place where the flood remained the longest, which is the basement. Mold would probably grow inside it. Floods don’t just left your house with the dirts that are hard to clean, but also mold growth behind the walls or under floors.

See MOLD AND FLOODING for more information.


The more condensation happen inside your house, the more moisture, the higher the possibility for mold growth. That’s it. How does this happen? Simply because condensation release moisture into the air. Condensation will occur on surfaces such as glass windows or metal pipes. Mold will be growing at the place of condensation. So, if you discover rusting indoor pipes, it can be a sign that there lot of condensation inside your house.

Other than producing moisture that allows mold to grow, condensation also shows to you that you’re having humidity problem inside your house. High humidity can feed better for mold growth. So, you’re having serious problem with mold.

Refer MOLD CAUSES to understand more about condensation and also the other causes


There are lots of signs of toxic symptoms caused by mold are growing inside your house and they are affecting you with the poisons. They are headaches, trouble concentrating, shortened attention span, memory loss and dizziness.

Mycotoxins from toxic molds such as Stachybotrys chartarum can have a mental effect on people much more severe than the allergic symptoms caused by other non-toxic molds. Just like allergies mentioned before, if you can feel that the symptoms are getting worst when you stay at home or inside a building, so the place is having mold growth inside.

Visit BLACK MOLD SYMPTOMS to get to know better about the toxic symptoms.

Monday, December 23, 2013

What Is Mold | Black Mold Information That You Should Know

what is black mold

What is mold?

Mold is an organism under the kingdom of fungi. It is neither a plant nor an animal. Unlike, plants molds cannot synthesis their own food through photosynthesis under the sunlight. As a matter of fact, the UV ray in sunlight could inhibit their growth. The mold is a detritivore, organism that decomposes other decaying organism to obtain food. These decaying organism can be a dead plant, leaves or even decaying dead animal.

You can find molds growing in the outdoor at places such as in the soil, on dead wood, decaying plants or dead animals. Meanwhile, inside the house they commonly grow on the carpet, on paper, on leather, on walls, on wood and most importantly on food. You can find out more about where molds usually grow at Where Mold Grows.

Condition for Molds to Grow In the House.

The main factor in mold growth is moist apart from oxygen and carbon rich materials. You can find mold growing almost anywhere provided there is enough moisture. To know more about causes of mold growth you can check it out at Causes of Mold.

Molds will not grow in houses unless there is a moisture problem. The moisture can accumulate due to humidity, condensation, or water intrusion from leaks, spills, floods, etc. Most molds only require suitable materials to be moist for 24-48 hours before they can grow.

Molds that can survive on only humidity are called Xerophiles, organism that can survive on very little water, whereas other molds require asufficient amount of moisture to grow. To prevent mold growth at home is to limit moisture. 

To find out more about preventing mold in your house, please visit Prevent Mold.
Other than moisture, molds also need suitable temperature to grow. Mostly, they grow best in warm or room temperature. However, some species of mold can grow in extreme temperature of about 2°C. If environment is unfavorable, they would not necessarily die; instead, they might lay dormant until the right condition is met.

Mold Biology Information

A colony of mold is considered a single organism as it is apparent to the naked eye. Under microscope, the mold has cellular projection or filaments called hyphae. These form a network creating a large body known as mycelium. In reality, molds are microscopic singly: hence, we can only see them in large colonies.
The function of the hyphae is to digest food. 

Mold digest food by releasing certain enzyme from the hyphae. Then, the hyphae absorb the nutrients and passed them to the mycelium. These induce colony growth.

If mold receive sufficient needs such as suitable temperature, enough oxygen, sunlight and food; this could induce spore formation to create new colonies. These spores are created at the hyphae cells . A mold reproduce similar to a tree with seed.

After the spores are completely formed, they will be transmitted via air.  If the spore lands on a moist area with sufficient nutrients, oxygen and light, it will germinate into hyphae then further grow into a colony.  

Ungerminated mold spores continually float through the air outdoors and indoors and it is impossible to eliminate them all inside buildings. Spores are resilient and have high resistance; even if they do not germinate they can last for years.